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Our Classes

This is where you will find any information for your class. Please find your Math and Science Sections below to continue to your links. 

Math Links


Below are some links we often use in our MATH class. Feel free to use these at home as extra practice for your child.


Dove Whisper




Wolfram|Alpha - this site can help you with calculations. It will also show you different representations of various solutions and numbers. 

Arcademic - this site review multiplication facts in a race car game. Students must think quickly to answer the questions in order to get to the finish line.

Math Dicitionary - this site offers definitions to many common math terms your student will learn throughout the school year. 

Science Links


Below are some links we often use in our SCIENCE class. Feel free to use these at home as extra practice for your child.


Dove Whisper


Discovery Education



Ms. Roppolo's 5th Grade Class

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